Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Train the machine to think

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What we do

Our mission is to enable businesses adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) to stay agile and competitive through incremental and transformative impacts.
Our objective is to help your business harness the power of Machine Learning (ML), Neural Nets, Deep Learning and statistical inference to enhance efficiencies and improve the bottom line. 
We develop and implement custom AI solutions based on your specific business needs. And work with you from inception, development to final deployment.
AI, a data driven approach
Do machines have AI?
3d rendering artificial intelligence brain or ai brain


Customized, end-to-end, reliable, and scalable solution, from design to deployment

Data Science - AI & Machine Learning

Data Engineering

Cloud & Edge (IoT)


Novel, insightful, custom solutions across diverse industry sectors


Digital transformation poised to impact most businesses

By 2030, around 70% of companies may adopt at least one type of AI technology, about 50% companies expected to adopt all AI technologies.

AI (and related technologies in computer vision, natural language, virtual assistants, robotic process automation, and advanced machine learning) to drive additional global economic activity by $13 trillion, boosting global GDP by 1.2% a year between 2018 and 2030.

- During 1800s, steam engines boosted labor productivity by 0.3% a year

- During 1990s, robots impacted 0.4% a year

- During 2000s, IT resulted in 0.6% a year

Source: McKinsey Global Institute



What our clients say about us

Ganit Labs provided a simple, accurate and elegant AI-based solution, customized for our needs. They used state-of-the-art dimensionality reduction, data visualization, and anomaly detection technologies.“ -- Oilfield service provider

Publicly-traded US oilfield service provider

Beverage producer in Europe

Manufacturer of transmission equipment in US

US research laboratories

Publicly-traded genomics company in the US

Electronic device manufacturer